The goal of chicken embryonic spinal cord electroporation is to increase or to reduce expression levels of genes of interest in the developing spinal cord, and to assess the phenotypic consequences of these alterations on neuronal differentiation or migration. Fertilized eggs stored at 14°C are

Last updated on: 13-12-2022 - 11:23

Organisation: Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Status: History of use, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
For the risk assessment of compounds migrating from food contact materials (FCM), information on the exposure to the migrant as well as its possible hazards is needed. To support the evaluation of both starting products and NIAS from plastic FCM, the VERMEER FCM tool has been developed within the

Last updated on: 29-11-2022 - 14:46

Organisation: Sciensano
Status: Internally validated
The in vitro micronucleus test is a genotoxicity test for the detection of micronuclei in the cytoplasm of interphase cells and has been described in detail in OECD TG 487. Micronuclei may originate from acentric chromosome fragments (i.e. lacking a centromere), or whole chromosomes that

Last updated on: 23-11-2022 - 16:31

Contact: Birgit Mertens
Organisation: Sciensano
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal, Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)
The mammary-specific polyomavirus middle T antigen overexpression mouse model (MMTV-PyMT) is one of the most commonly used models in the cancer research field for multiple reasons, among which the spontaneous development of multifocal luminal tumors, the early tumoral onset, and the primary tumors'

Last updated on: 07-11-2022 - 11:47

Organisation: Oncology - KU Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)
The protocol is aimed at developing primary human breast organoids that have a morphology similar to the one observed in the in vivo breast. This morphology encompasses a complex network organization composed of interconnected branches that terminate in TDLU-like structures. The organoids are

Last updated on: 07-11-2022 - 11:24

Organisation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Oncology - KU Leuven
Status: Still in development, History of use, Published in peer reviewed journal
The protocol is aimed at developing primary mammary gland organoids that have a morphology similar to the one of the in vivo breast, which is organized as a complex network of interconnected branches. The organoids are derived from the mouse mammary gland by mechanical dissociation and enzymatic

Last updated on: 07-11-2022 - 11:08

Organisation: Oncology - KU Leuven
Status: History of use, Published in peer reviewed journal
This method describes the generation of porcine testicular organoids using piglet testicular cells seeded in a testicular extracellular matrix (tECM) hydrogel. To generate the solublized tECM hydrogel, porcine immature testicular tissues (ITTs) were dissected in small fragments and decellularized in

Last updated on: 04-11-2022 - 08:20

Contact: Marc Kanbar
Organisation: Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
E. coli is one of the organisms of choice for the production of recombinant proteins. DH5 alpha cells are commonly used for maintenance, propagation and mutation, whilst BL21(DE3) and C43(DE3) are mainly used for expression of the transgene. The advantage of C43(DE3) is that is used to produce

Last updated on: 03-11-2022 - 07:25

Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Status: Still in development, History of use, Internally validated
We have developed a protocol for culturing primary neuron progenitor cells (NPCs) derived from mouse embryos at embryonic day 15 (E15). These cells are highly proliferative, can be subcultured and cryopreserved and can be differentiated to neurons or astrocytes. Hence, this method can greatly reduce

Last updated on: 20-10-2022 - 08:55

Contact: Roel Quintens
Organisation: Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Status: Still in development, History of use, Internally validated