The in vitro Alkaline Comet Assay is a microgel electrophoresis technique which allows to measure DNA damage (single and double strand breaks, alkali labile sites, incomplete excision repair sites and cross links) cell by cell. Cells are mixed with 0.8% Low Melting Point Agarose which is spread as a

Last updated on: 21-02-2022 - 15:21

Contact: Roel Anthonissen
Organisation: Sciensano
Status: History of use, Published in peer reviewed journal
The Ames test is a short-term bacterial reverse gene mutation assay specifically designed to detect a wide range of chemical substances that can produce genetic damage that leads to permanent gene mutations. The test has been described in detail in OECD TG 471 and employs several histidine dependent

Last updated on: 21-02-2022 - 15:15

Contact: Roel Anthonissen
Organisation: Sciensano
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal, Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)
By using in vitro co-cultures of immune cells and lung tumor cells, we can study and evaluate the immune-activating and/or anti anti-tumor properties of certain treatments. Tumor cell proliferation can be studied with live-cell imaging instruments (IncuCyte, EVOS, ...) and the occurrence of immune

Last updated on: 21-02-2022 - 15:03

Contact: Eline Berghmans
Organisation: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
Alkaline comet assay (COM) and Micronucleus test (MN) are well-established cytogenetic tests that are used to detect both immediate damages i.e. DNA fragmentation, and permanent damage which results in micronuclei formation. These techniques are often applied separately or, sometimes, in combination

Last updated on: 18-02-2022 - 16:42

Contact: Ha Nguyen
Organisation: Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Sciensano
Partners: University of Liège (ULiège)
Status: History of use, Internally validated
The method is described in detail in OECD TG 439 as SkinEthicTM RHE and provides an in vitro procedure that may be used for the hazard identification of irritant chemicals (substances and mixtures) in accordance with the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (UN

Last updated on: 11-03-2021 - 19:17

Organisation: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Status: Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)
The ERα CALUX transactivation assay is described in Annex 4 of the OECD TG 455. It uses the human U2OS cell line to detect estrogenic agonist and antagonist activity mediated through human estrogen receptor alpha (hERα).This test method is specifically designed to detect hERα-mediated

Last updated on: 04-03-2021 - 16:33

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Status: Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)
The method has been fully described in OECD TG 236 and is intended to determine the acute or lethal toxicity of chemicals on embryonic stages of fish (Danio rerio). Newly fertilized zebrafish eggs are exposed to the test chemical for a period of 96 hrs. Every 24 hrs. Twenty embryos (one embryo per

Last updated on: 04-03-2021 - 16:29

Contact: Hilda Witters
Organisation: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal, Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)
The Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability test method (BCOP) has been fully described in OECD TG 437. It is an in vitro test method that can be used to identify chemicals (substances or mixtures) as either 1) causing “serious eye damage” (category 1 of the Globally Harmonised System for the

Last updated on: 04-03-2021 - 16:26

Organisation: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Status: Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)
Four validated test methods using commercially available RhCE models are included in this Test Guideline 492. Here we focus on the SkinEthic Human Corneal Epithelium (HCE) Eye Irritation Test (EIT). It is an in vitro procedure allowing the identification of chemicals (substances and mixtures) not

Last updated on: 04-03-2021 - 16:19

Organisation: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Status: Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)
This method has been described in detail in OECD TG 431 and allows the identification of non-corrosive and corrosive substances and mixtures in accordance with the UN GHS. This method further supports the sub-categorisation of corrosive substances and mixtures into optional Subcategory 1A, in

Last updated on: 04-03-2021 - 16:15

Organisation: Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO)
Status: Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)