In contrast to human medicine, standard imaging techniques for cardiac interventions, namely fluoroscopy, CT and MRI, cannot be used in horses because the size of their thorax is too large for the gantry (CT and MRI) or results in insufficient detail (fluoroscopy). Therefore, echocardiography is

Last updated on: 20-09-2023 - 10:28

Contact: Ingrid Vernemmen
Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Still in development
The DPRA is an in chemico method which quantifies the remaining concentration of cysteine- or lysine-containing peptide following 24 hours incubation with the test chemical at 25 +/-2,5ºC. The synthetic peptides contain phenylalanine to aid in the detection. Relative peptide concentration is

Last updated on: 22-02-2022 - 10:59

Contact: Bart Desmedt
Organisation: Sciensano
Status: History of use, Internally validated, Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)