Drug-induced phospholipidosis (DIPL) is a metabolic disorder characterized by an excessive intracellular accumulation of phospholipids caused by cationic drugs. Hepatic cells derived from human skin are evaluated as an in vitro model to investigate DIPL and its mechanisms. Human skin stem cells

Last updated on: 20-02-2024 - 11:27

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Status: History of use
The culture of primary human synoviocytes provides an excellent cellular model for studying the normal and pathological physiology of synoviocytes and the development of joint diseases. Human primary synoviocytes can either be provided by commercial suppliers or isolated from fresh biological

Last updated on: 17-01-2024 - 11:32

Contact: Julie Uerlings
Organisation: ARTIALIS
Status: History of use, Internally validated
Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a rare inborn error of metabolism caused by a defective homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (HGD), an enzyme involved in the tyrosine degradation pathway. Loss of HGD function leads to the accumulation of homogentisic acid (HGA) in connective body tissues in a process called

Last updated on: 06-12-2023 - 14:45

Contact: Sien Lequeue
Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Partners: RWTH Aachen
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
More than 3 million deaths worldwide are linked to excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol abuse associated gut barrier dysfunction is thought to play an important role in the development of alcohol-associated liver disease. Although some aspects that contribute to this process have been elucidated,

Last updated on: 30-10-2023 - 10:05

Organisation: Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Partners: UCLouvain, Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, UCLouvain
Status: Still in development
The maturation of the human brain shows species-specific differences of neoteny when compared to lower mammals. This process encompass a time window that expands from late embryonic stages to early adolescence. Major features of brain maturation are the acquisition of phenotypic complex traits such

Last updated on: 25-09-2023 - 14:38

Organisation: University of Liège (ULiège)
Status: Still in development, History of use
The use of patient-derived primary cell cultures in cancer preclinical assays, including drug screens and genotoxic studies, has increased in recent years. However, their translational value is constrained by several limitations, including variability that can be caused by the culture conditions.

Last updated on: 20-07-2023 - 15:05

Contact: Ahmad Najem
Organisation: Institut Jules Bordet
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
The Systemic Intestinal Fermentation Research technology, SIFR in short, is a uniquely validated simulation of gut microbial ecosystems, shown to be predictive for clinical outcomes. The SIFR can simulate a wide variety of gut microbiota from humans (infants, adults, elderly; healthy, diseased) to

Last updated on: 08-06-2023 - 14:24

Contact: Aurélien Baudot
Organisation: Cryptobiotix
Status: History of use, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
Using an in vitro flow system adhesion assay, immune cell adhesion to (blood-brain barrier) endothelial cells can be quantified under physiological blood flow conditions. Endothelial cells can be treated with inflammatory cytokines or therapeutic antibodies to mimic inflammatory diseases. Immune

Last updated on: 06-06-2023 - 10:35

Contact: Doryssa Hermans
Organisation: University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
Generally, our research group aims to study the influence of food parameters (food design, food processing, food composition) on the digestive kinetics of diverse nutrients throughout the upper gastrointestinal tract. For this, we use in vitro digestion protocols. The current method is a semi

Last updated on: 15-02-2023 - 16:08

Contact: Tara Grauwet
Organisation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
We devised a simple and reliable method for reprogramming peripheral blood mononuclear cells into hiPSC and then to differentiate them into air-liquid interface bronchial epithelium (iALI) within 45 days. Of note, this method does not involve any cell sorting step. We reprogrammed blood cells from

Last updated on: 07-02-2023 - 14:46

Contact: Engi Ahmed
Organisation: VIB - UGent, IRMB INSERM 1183
Status: History of use, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal