Register now for the next two RE-Place Educational Webinars

Posted on: 22/10/2024

Our series of Educational Webinars aims to promote the use and development of New Approach Methodologies by putting the existing knowledge in the spotlight!


Practical information

The Webinars are open to all interested parties including scientists, regulators, the authorities, and the public. All webinars will be recorded and will be placed on the RE-Place YouTube Channel. The webinars are also accredited by the Flemish and Brussels regions. Certificates of attendance will be available upon request. Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.


Webinar 30th of May

During this session, Dr. João Barbosa will present his work on the 'Evaluation of the toxicity of sea-dumped conventional and chemical munitions to fish and human cells using a combination of cell viability assays'.  Dr. João Barbosa holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and a PhD in Bioscience Engineering. In his current position as a postdoctoral researcher at Blue Growth Research Lab, Ghent University, he focuses on assessing environmental and human health via the combination of in silico, in vitro and in vivo methods, aiming to advance our understanding of the interactions between ecosystems and public health.

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Webinar 13th of June

During this session, two speakers will discuss their work on 3D models. First, Dr. Cyril Corbet will present his work on ‘Metabolic studies in 3D spheroid and organoid models: current applications, opportunities and challenges in oncology’. Dr. Cyril Corbet is a Principal Investigator, FNRS Research Associate, at the Pole of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique at UCLouvain in Brussels. His current research group, created 4 years ago, is working on the interplay between tumor microenvironment and metabolism in the context of therapy resistance.
Then, Ami Gloria Toulehohoun will introduce her work on ‘
Intestinal Organoids (Enteroids) as a model for small intestinal epithelium alterations in Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)’. Ami Gloria Toulehohoun is a PhD Student at the IREC institute of UCLouvain. To conduct her research project, she is using intestinal organoids to address specific questions associated to the intestinal barrier dysfunction. The main purpose of using this 3D model is to overcome animal models limitations in the designing and understanding of AUD.

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Useful links:

3D Models to Study Tumor Development and Alcohol Use Disorder