MPS 2025: Submit your abstract now and Compete for the RE-Place Best Poster Award

Posted on: 10/02/2025

The 2025 Microphysiological System (MPS) World Summit will be organised in Brussels, Belgium from the 9th to the 13th of June 2025. This conference is co-organised by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université de Liège, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Sciensano and InSphero.


Call for Abstracts

The call for abstracts for the 2025 MPS World Summit is now open. MPS are defined as cell culture systems replicating (patho-) physiology through engineered organ architecture and functionality. This includes especially 3D-(co-)cultures such as organoids, organ-on-chip models, and multi-organ models, as well as the technologies to engineer and analyze these systems.

Abstracts submitted should focus on four themes:

  • Theme 1: MPS Development and Results Processing
  • Theme 2: MPS for Biomedical Research and Disease Modelling
  • Theme 3: MPS for Efficacy, ADME, and Toxicity Testing
  • Theme 4: MPS for Industrial and Regulatory Testing

All abstracts will be evaluated and selected for an oral or a poster presentation by the MPS Scientific Advisory Committee. Abstracts must be in English and include a maximum of 350 words.

Deadline to submit your abstract: January 15, 2025.


RE-Place Best Poster Presentation Award

By submitting an abstract for a poster presentation, you can compete for the RE-Place Best Poster Award (250€), which will reward a phD student or early career investigator (≤ 40 years old). The winner will be selected based on the results presented in the field of 3R replacement methodology, scientific excellence and clarity of the poster presentation. Eligibility also includes presence during the closing ceremony of the MPS2025 World Summit, as the winner will be announced at this occasion. Candidates need to express their interest in the RE-Place best poster award by sending the following documents to and

  • Curriculum Vitae,
  • Supporting letter from the supervisor or the head of department,
  • Abstract as first author submitted for poster presentation to the MPS2025 World Summit,
  • Proof of registration for the MPS2025 World Summit,
  • Confirmation you will attend the closing ceremony of the MPS2025 World Summit.

Deadline to apply for the award: April 1, 2025.



MPS 2025