Immunomodulatory effects of dietary supplements on IPEC-J2 cells
Scope of the method
The Method relates to
- Animal health
- Human health
The Method is situated in
- Basic Research
- Translational - Applied Research
Type of method
- In vitro - Ex vivo
This method makes use of
- Animal derived cells / tissues / organs
Species from which cells/tissues/organs are derived
Type of cells/tissues/organs
IPEC-J2, porcine small intestinal cells
Method keywords
- immune response
- cell culture
- citotoxicity
- lps challenge
Scientific area keywords
- gut health
- immunomodulation
- postbiotic
- gut barrier
- intestine
Method description
Prebiotics are used by the gut microbiota creating metabolites that exert a positive
effect on the host (postbiotics). Prebiotics are available on the market for human and
animal consumption and may induce differential effects on the host's health and
metabolism. They can be tested by in vitro methods to evaluate their capacity to exert
a beneficial effect on gut inflammation and barrier by using in vitro assays and cell
cultures. IPEC-J2 cells are intestinal epithelial cells non-transformed obtained from
the jejunal segment from a newborn and un-suckled piglet. Cells are grown in flat
bottom flasks/plates at 37°C and 5% CO2 humidified atmosphere in complete
DMEM/F-12 supplemented with 1% penicilin-streptomicyn, 5% fetal bovine serum, Lglutamine,
EGF, Isulin, transferrin and selenium. Screening of cytotoxicity of the
products of interest by MTT test in a concentration series of the product of interest to
establish the dose. Incubation for 24 hours with the chosen concentration of product
and parallel LPS challenge. Collection of supernatants and cells for the measurement
of the immune mediators released in the medium by the cells, such as cytokines.
Collection of cells for RNA extraction and evaluation of gene expression changes
induced in the cells by qPCR methods. In parallel, cells can be cultured in snapwell for
studying barrier integrity properties by measuring permeability changes and
transepithelial resistance in Ussing chambers.
Lab equipment
CO2 incubator ;
Water bath ;
Hood (sterile) ;
Centrifuge ;
Cell counter ;
Pipet controller ;
Pipettes ;
Spectrophotometer ;
qPCR ;
Ussing chambers.
Method status
- Published in peer reviewed journal
Pros, cons & Future potential
1. Fast, easy to set up, reproducible, high-throughput screening capacity.
2. Limited ethical and economic constraints.
3. A valuable tool for initial investigation on gut health studies prior to in vivo tests.
The gut is a complex tissue where several cell-types constitute the intestinal barrier,
this model however only includes intestinal epithelial cells, and thus, it is a muchsimplified
The battery of analysis after incubation with the substrates of interest can vary
according to the interest of the research. The products of interest have been
described as pure prebiotics solutions, however, there are also probiotics and the
combination of them as synbiotics that can also be tested. It might be of interest to
do an in vitro batch fermentation before incubation with cells to study the postbiotic
juice (product of the fermentation of prebiotics/synbiotics in the gut) to screen and
evaluate the immunomodulatory effects on intestinal cells. For evaluation of the
immune effects of postbiotic juice, before incubation with cells, it should be sterilefiltered.
Future & Other applications
The system could be improved by co-culture in trans-well of intestinal epithelial cells
in combination with immune cells.
References, associated documents and other information
Uerlings, J., Schroyen, M., Bautil, A., Courtin, C., Richel, A., Sureda, E. A., … Everaert, N.
(2019). In vitro prebiotic potential of agricultural by-products on intestinal
fermentation, gut barrier and inflammatory status of piglets. British Journal of
Nutrition, 1–37.
Contact person
Nadia EveraertOrganisations
University of Liège (ULiège)Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech