High-throughput combinatorial miniaturized 3D organoid culture for personalized medicine
Scope of the method
The Method relates to
- Human health
The Method is situated in
- Basic Research
- Translational - Applied Research
Type of method
- In vitro - Ex vivo
This method makes use of
- Human derived cells / tissues / organs
Method keywords
- Organoid screens
- High-throughput
- Microfabrication
- Combinatorial
- Personalized medicine
- Microfluidic device
Scientific area keywords
- Lab-on-a-chip
- Droplet-based microfluidics
- Droplet sorting
- Combinatorial droplet library
- Personalized medicine
Method description
Design and fabrication of a method to enhance the cost-effectiveness of organoid culturing and drug screening assays by miniaturizing the cultures and reduce the required reagent volumes to the sub-nanoliter range through microfluidic techniques. By growing single or multiple organoids per microbead in a microfluidic platform, we can increase the spatiotemporal control of the organoid environment and maximize the number of assays that can be performed from a single PDRO culture.
Method status
- Still in development