Culture of human duodenal epithelial stem cells as organoids
Scope of the method
The Method relates to
- Human health
The Method is situated in
- Basic Research
- Translational - Applied Research
Type of method
- In vitro - Ex vivo
This method makes use of
- Human derived cells / tissues / organs
Specify the type of cells/tissues/organs
duodenal epithelial stem cells/biopsies
Method keywords
- transepithelial electric resistance
- cell permeability
- gut organoids
- epithelium
Scientific area keywords
- gastroenterology
- Intestinal organoids
- lipid metabolism
Method description
Human duodenal biopsies from metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) patients were used to generate organoids and then investigate potential alterations in intestinal barrier and absorptive functions.
Method status
- Published in peer reviewed journal
References, associated documents and other information
Duodenal organoids from metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis patients exhibit absorptive and barrier alterations Hadefi, Alia et al. Gastro Hep Advances, Volume 0, Issue 0, 100599
Associated documents
Hadefi et al Gastro hep advances 2024.pdf
Contact person
Marie-Isabelle GarciaOrganisations
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)IRIBHM
GHoPaT group
Brussels Region