Dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) are mesenchymal stem cells residing within the inner mucoid core (dental pulp) of teeth, responsible for tissue turnover and regeneration. Since third molars, or wisdom teeth, are frequently extracted for orthodontic reasons, DPSC are a highly accessible stem cell

Last updated on: 23-08-2024 - 11:01

Contact: Nathalie Dirkx
Organisation: University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Partners: University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Still in development, History of use, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
The Colon-on-a-plate® technology is a high-throughput biorelevant in vitro simulation of the physiology and microbiology of the colon. This robust screening technology is not limited to comparing the impact of tens of test product on the microbiome, but also offers insight into the factors

Last updated on: 26-07-2024 - 09:50

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: ProDigest
Status: History of use, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
The SHIME® (Simulator of Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem) model is currently the most representative in vitro technology for the combined simulation of the physiological, chemical and microbiological properties of the gastrointestinal tract. The model enables study of the impact of long-term

Last updated on: 26-07-2024 - 09:49

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: ProDigest
Status: History of use, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
The method uses planarians as an alternative in vivo model to assess carcinogenicity. Planarians are characterized by a high regenerative capacity and a large number of pluripotent stem cells. The assay is based on the discriminative power of stem cells in an in vivo setting. Based on specific stem

Last updated on: 28-03-2024 - 08:56

Contact: Karen Smeets
Organisation: University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
Severely burned skin can exhibit serious contractions that may negatively impact the mobility of joints of patients. The method deals with post-burn evolution of skin, in which one considers the balance of momentum, cells, collagen and chemokines. The balances are represented in terms of partial

Last updated on: 05-09-2023 - 11:43

Contact: Fred Vermolen
Organisation: University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Still in development, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
NMTox is an R-software package and a Shiny app that can be used to explore and subset large datasets and can identify and test for monotonic dose responses. The package was developed within the NanoInformaTIX project where a platform is developed that aims to predict nanomaterial toxicity.

Last updated on: 22-08-2023 - 10:43

Contact: Geert Verheyen
Organisation: Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Internally validated
Using an in vitro flow system adhesion assay, immune cell adhesion to (blood-brain barrier) endothelial cells can be quantified under physiological blood flow conditions. Endothelial cells can be treated with inflammatory cytokines or therapeutic antibodies to mimic inflammatory diseases. Immune

Last updated on: 06-06-2023 - 10:35

Contact: Doryssa Hermans
Organisation: University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
We developed a cellular automata model of oncolytic virotherapy with an application to pancreatic cancer. The fundamental biomedical processes (like cell proliferation, mutation, apoptosis) are modelled by the use of probabilistic principles. The migration of injected viruses (as therapy) is

Last updated on: 07-01-2021 - 21:34

Contact: Fred Vermolen
Organisation: University of Hasselt (UHasselt), Delft University of Technology
Partners: Delft University of Technology, Technion
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
Characterization of Human Oligodendroglia derived-EV-rich in sHSPs (HOG-EV-sHSPs). Establish HSPB1/B8 stably expressing cell lines for the production of sHSPs rich-EV cell culture conditioned medium. Human Oligodendroglia cell lines (HOG) were stably transduced with pLenti-HSPBs gene constructs

Last updated on: 14-08-2020 - 15:22

Contact: Joy Irobi
Organisation: University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Still in development, Internally validated, Currently submitted for further validation by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)
TEM, NTA and western blot were used to characterize the purified inflammation‐associated EV subpopulations from TNF-α treated HUVEC based on their sedimentation speeds (10K and110K) and surface markers (CDs and ICAM-1). Protein arrays were used to discover the immunomodulatory content of

Last updated on: 14-11-2019 - 14:02

Organisation: University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal, Currently submitted for further validation by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)