Zebrafish-based platforms have recently emerged as a useful tool for toxicity testing as they combine the advantages of in vitro and in vivo methodologies. Nevertheless, the capacity to metabolically convert xenobiotics by zebrafish eleuthero embryos is supposedly low. To circumvent this concern, a

Last updated on: 01-09-2023 - 09:55

Contact: Marie Pardon
Organisation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
The spatiotemporal distribution of fluorescent compounds was examined during 48 h after immersion (10 µM) or microinjection (2 mg/kg) in the pericardial cavity (PC), intraperitoneally (IP) and yolk sac (IY) of 3 dpf zebrafsh eleuthero-embryos. By modelling the fluorescence of whole-body contours

Last updated on: 01-09-2023 - 09:43

Contact: Marie Pardon
Organisation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
Immersion treatment: zebrafish embryos at the two-cell stage were immersed in Danieau’s medium containing the compound. A compound concentration of 10 µM and DMSO concentration of 0.1% (v/v) in a volume of 5 mL was used per well (6-well-plates). At 72 h, the zebrafish medium containing the compound

Last updated on: 01-09-2023 - 09:32

Contact: Marie Pardon
Organisation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans provides a powerful model system to study fundamental working mechanisms of the nervous system in a living animal. It's main advantages are its compact nervous system that has been fully mapped, its short generation time and amenability for genetic research. As a

Last updated on: 17-04-2020 - 09:55

Contact: Isabel Beets
Organisation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
The lab routinely use C. elegans culture as genetic model. We explore the development and the ageing of the neuromuscular system. The methods used regularly in our lab include molecular biology, generation of transgenic animals or mutants, crossings, genetic screen, calcium imaging, fluorescence

Last updated on: 02-12-2019 - 13:54

Contact: patrick laurent
Organisation: Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
Status: Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal