Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) can cause adverse effects, including metabolic disorders and liver injury. TPN-associated liver injury, known as intestinal failure-associated liver disease (IFALD), represents a significant problem affecting up to 90% of individuals receiving TPN. Despite numerous

Last updated on: 10-09-2024 - 13:54

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
Drug-induced phospholipidosis (DIPL) is a metabolic disorder characterized by an excessive intracellular accumulation of phospholipids caused by cationic drugs. Hepatic cells derived from human skin are evaluated as an in vitro model to investigate DIPL and its mechanisms. Human skin stem cells

Last updated on: 20-02-2024 - 11:27

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Status: History of use
Adverse outcome pathway (AOP) networks are versatile tools in toxicology and risk assessment that capture and visualize mechanisms driving toxicity originating from various data sources. They share a common structure consisting of a set of molecular initiating events and key events, connected by key

Last updated on: 20-02-2024 - 09:27

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
Drug-induced intrahepatic cholestasis (DIC) is a main type of hepatic toxicity that is challenging to predict in early drug development stages. Preclinical animal studies often fail to detect DIC in humans. In vitro toxicogenomics assays using human liver cells have become a practical approach to

Last updated on: 15-02-2024 - 11:59

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Status: Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
Alkaptonuria (AKU) is a rare inborn error of metabolism caused by a defective homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (HGD), an enzyme involved in the tyrosine degradation pathway. Loss of HGD function leads to the accumulation of homogentisic acid (HGA) in connective body tissues in a process called

Last updated on: 06-12-2023 - 14:45

Contact: Sien Lequeue
Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Partners: RWTH Aachen
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
The purpose of the present development is to use avian MoDCs to implement a cellular platform to increase understanding of the immune responses induced by various antigens of interest (e.g. vaccine candidates) and evaluate their immunogenic potential. Considering the difficulty to work on dendritic

Last updated on: 03-02-2023 - 08:51

Contact: Fiona Ingrao
Organisation: Sciensano
Status: Still in development
For the risk assessment of compounds migrating from food contact materials (FCM), information on the exposure to the migrant as well as its possible hazards is needed. To support the evaluation of both starting products and NIAS from plastic FCM, the VERMEER FCM tool has been developed within the

Last updated on: 29-11-2022 - 14:46

Organisation: Sciensano
Status: Internally validated
For therapeutic or reporter molecules to be effective for therapy or imaging applications, proper accumulation of the compounds in the tissue of interest is required, with minimal accumulation in undesired organs to avoid toxic side-effects and increase bioavailability. After initial in vitro

Last updated on: 09-08-2022 - 16:34

Contact: Sophie Hernot
Organisation: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Status: History of use
In silico tools are computer-assisted methodologies with a high-throughput that allow to predict the toxic potential of compounds without experimental testing. Consequently, in silico tools are time-, cost- and animal-saving in nature. The most commonly used methods are (quantitative) structure

Last updated on: 24-03-2022 - 11:25

Contact: Birgit Mertens
Organisation: Sciensano
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
The tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) is one of the most toxic proteins known to man, which prior to the use of the vaccine against the TeNT producing bacteria Clostridium tetani, resulted in a 20% mortality rate upon infection. The clinical detrimental effects of tetanus have decreased immensely since the

Last updated on: 22-03-2022 - 16:49

Contact: Celine Vanhee
Organisation: Sciensano
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal