The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a highly organized tissue-specific network, which is secreted by tissue-resident cells and significantly influences cell phenotype, behaviour and function. The 3R principle calls for the replacement of animal models in areas like drug screening, and consequently,

Last updated on: 13-08-2024 - 09:57

Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Still in development
Overuse tendon injuries are a major cause of musculoskeletal morbidity in both human and equine athletes. Despite the big burden, there is no effective treatment to restore tendon’s natural composition, due to a lack of understanding of fundamental cell biology. Additionally, translation of novel

Last updated on: 12-08-2024 - 09:32

Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Still in development
The application of liver organoids is very promising in the field of liver tissue engineering; however, it is still facing some limitations. One of the current major limitations is the matrix in which they are cultured. The mainly undefined and murine-originated tumor matrices derived from

Last updated on: 22-01-2024 - 17:28

Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
In contrast to human medicine, standard imaging techniques for cardiac interventions, namely fluoroscopy, CT and MRI, cannot be used in horses because the size of their thorax is too large for the gantry (CT and MRI) or results in insufficient detail (fluoroscopy). Therefore, echocardiography is

Last updated on: 20-09-2023 - 10:28

Contact: Ingrid Vernemmen
Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Still in development
Full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations solve the laws of Maxwell for a given problem. When designing a wireless solution for an Internet of Animal Health (IoAH) application, multiple iterations are needed to achieve well-defined metrics such as energy efficiency, electrical and mechanical

Last updated on: 13-02-2023 - 16:48

Contact: Jasper Goethals
Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Partners: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Internally validated
Computational neuroscience aims to study the nervous system by mathematical and computer simulations. Computational models can be built on multilevel scales. With the bottom-up approach, the model is built from the same building blocks as observed in human or animal tissue. As such, the functioning

Last updated on: 13-02-2023 - 16:45

Contact: Cannot be disclosed
Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Still in development, Published in peer reviewed journal
This method is used to let cells interact for a better simulation of processes occurring in the body. The rational of the method is that monoculture experiments do not capture the complexity of in vivo interactions between different organs. In the most simple setup (published work Nutrients), Caco-2

Last updated on: 09-02-2023 - 16:37

Contact: Amar van Laar
Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
The in vitro rumen fermentation technique is used to simulate the rumen function/fermentation. The rumen is the first compartment of the digestive tract of ruminants, in which feed - consumed by ruminants - is fermented by rumen microbes. For optimal fermentation, the rumen provides an anaerobic

Last updated on: 14-10-2022 - 11:37

Contact: Veerle Fievez
Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
This method provides a rapid untargeted screening metabolomics method, which can be used to evaluate whether or not metabolic changes can be appointed according to the metabolic state in your matrix of choice. It applies an ambient ionization technique in which a laser beam or diathermy probe is

Last updated on: 31-03-2022 - 15:31

Contact: Lynn Vanhaecke
Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
OECD TG 249 was developed by Prof. Dr. Kristin Schirmer, from Eawag. The OECD 249 aims at assessing the acute toxicity of single or mixtures of chemicals using the permanent rainbow trout gill cell line, RTgill-W1. RTgill-W1 cells in a confluent monolayer in 24-well plates are exposed to the test

Last updated on: 30-03-2022 - 17:15

Contact: João Barbosa
Organisation: Ghent University (UGent)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal, Validated by an external party (e.g. OECD, EURL ECVAM,…)