More than 3 million deaths worldwide are linked to excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol abuse associated gut barrier dysfunction is thought to play an important role in the development of alcohol-associated liver disease. Although some aspects that contribute to this process have been elucidated,

Last updated on: 30-10-2023 - 10:05

Organisation: Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Partners: UCLouvain, Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, UCLouvain
Status: Still in development
The maturation of the human brain shows species-specific differences of neoteny when compared to lower mammals. This process encompass a time window that expands from late embryonic stages to early adolescence. Major features of brain maturation are the acquisition of phenotypic complex traits such

Last updated on: 25-09-2023 - 14:38

Organisation: University of Liège (ULiège)
Status: Still in development, History of use
UHDR irradiations show healthy tissue sparing effect known as the FLASH effect. Since 2014, the FLASH effect is investigated worldwide to understand how it works and how to trigger it. The FLASH effect is defined as an in vivo effect. However, in vivo models are often expensive and time-consuming.

Last updated on: 05-09-2023 - 08:45

Contact: Lucas Schoenauen
Organisation: Université de Namur (UNamur)
Status: Still in development
The method is an approach to systematically study the impact of the nutrient microenvironment on the metabolism of effector CD8+ T cells, based on performing stable 13C isotope labeling measurements on in vitro-differentiated murine effector CD8+ T cells. Naive CD8+ T cells are isolated from mouse

Last updated on: 31-08-2023 - 17:12

Contact: Dorien Broekaert
Organisation: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), VIB - KU Leuven
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
Metabolomics and 13C tracer analysis are state-of-the-art techniques that allow determining the concentration of metabolites and the activity of metabolic pathways, respectively. Three dimensional (3D) cultures of cancer cells constitute an enriched in vitro environment that can be used to assay

Last updated on: 31-08-2023 - 17:12

Contact: Dorien Broekaert
Organisation: VIB - KU Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
This assay evaluates the sprouting ability of endothelial cells in a collagen matrix and it used as an in vitro model to study the formation of new blood/lymphatic vessels. The effect of pro-angiogenic growth factors or co-cultured cells can be measured by quantifying the amount of vascular sprouts

Last updated on: 25-08-2023 - 09:11

Contact: Diede Houbaert
Organisation: Cellular and Molecular Medicine - KU Leuven
Status: History of use, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal
NMTox is an R-software package and a Shiny app that can be used to explore and subset large datasets and can identify and test for monotonic dose responses. The package was developed within the NanoInformaTIX project where a platform is developed that aims to predict nanomaterial toxicity.

Last updated on: 22-08-2023 - 10:43

Contact: Geert Verheyen
Organisation: Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, University of Hasselt (UHasselt)
Status: Internally validated
The use of patient-derived primary cell cultures in cancer preclinical assays, including drug screens and genotoxic studies, has increased in recent years. However, their translational value is constrained by several limitations, including variability that can be caused by the culture conditions.

Last updated on: 20-07-2023 - 15:05

Contact: Ahmad Najem
Organisation: Institut Jules Bordet
Status: Published in peer reviewed journal
This empirical model is used to assess the weighted value of driving biomaterials properties in the intra-oral bone regeneration process. We used partial least square regression (PLSR) to construct empirical models that relate combinations of (quantified) biomaterial characteristics to intra-oral

Last updated on: 08-06-2023 - 14:26

Contact: Ehsan Sadeghian
Organisation: University of Liège (ULiège)
Partners: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), University of Liège (ULiège), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL)
Status: Internally validated
The Systemic Intestinal Fermentation Research technology, SIFR in short, is a uniquely validated simulation of gut microbial ecosystems, shown to be predictive for clinical outcomes. The SIFR can simulate a wide variety of gut microbiota from humans (infants, adults, elderly; healthy, diseased) to

Last updated on: 08-06-2023 - 14:24

Contact: Aurélien Baudot
Organisation: Cryptobiotix
Status: History of use, Internally validated, Published in peer reviewed journal