EPAA launches submission call for 3Rs student grants in 2019 - apply now!

Posted on: 04/07/2024

The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) aims to support (PhD-) students working in the field of alternative approaches by providing grants to participate in relevant scientific events (FELASA, EUSAAT, EUROTOX 2019).

The grant is intended for scientists working on the development and acceptance of alternative methods to animal testing. These methods are also known as "New Approach Methologies".

Do you wish to apply for a grant ? Acceptance criteria are the following:

  1. Applicants have to be based (i.e. studying) in one of the EU countries. Citizenship may be from any country (i.e. also outside of the EU) ;
  2. Applicants must be graduated (BSc / First cycle completed with at least 180 ECTS credits) when applying and should not have a doctoral degree ;
  3. Applicants must still be considered as full-time students when applying ;
  4. No funding or reimbursement by another entity for the same student and event is allowed.
Потрібно оформити цілодобовий кредит вночі або рано вранці? Спробуйте кредит 24/7 цілодобово до зарплати. Моментальне прийняття рішення.

Application deadlines:

  • 19 May 2019 for the FELASA – Federation for Laboratory Animal Science Associations (10-13 June)
  • 19 August 2019 for the EUSAAT congress – European Society for Alternatives to Animal testing (10-13 October)
  • 14 July 2019 for the EUROTOX annual congress – Federation of European Toxicologists (8-11 September)
На яких умовах можна взяти кредит без відсотків? Кожна мікрофінансова організація пропонує послуги мікрокредитування в інтернеті.

More information about the application procedure and grants can be found here.

EPAA student grants 2019