Available educational and training resources on NAMs

Posted on: 03/07/2024

In the scope of the EU Directive 2010/63 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, the application of the 3Rs is becoming increasingly important. Scientists are responsible for the development, application and uptake of alternative methods in their field of expertise. Following a survey from EURL ECVAM in 2016, it was concluded there is a need to further strengthen the available resources on education and training; especially for the next generation of scientists.

  • Joint Research Centre (JRC) report

The JRC provides a full overview of their available knowledge resources on Education and Training via following link. In 2021, they published the report,"Introducing the Three Rs into secondary schools, universities and continuing education programmes", which describes how the 3Rs principle can be incorporated in the curriculum of schools and universities via different means. It provides learning scenarios and teaching resources to both inspire and facilitate action. The report was followed-up by outreaching to educators, experts and education decision-makers, and by highlighting new career and job opportunities stemming from the significant impact of the 3Rs in many different sectors. Specific learning scenarios for secondary schools and higher education were developed as well.

  • ‘Massive Open Online Course’ (MOOC) of the European Schoolnet

European Schoolnet is a non-profit organisation which aims to bring innovation in teaching and learning to the Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers, and industry partners. In 2020, they launched a module called "The Three Rs and Animal Use in Science", which was followed-up by a rerun in 2021. The course was developed in collaboration with ECORYS and SYRCLE. It is mainly intended for life sciences teachers in secondary schools, but animal science/welfare stakeholders and policymakers are also welcomed to join! Teachers are provided with materials, support and tutorials to integrate the 3Rs in their own classrooms and ways to develop your students' critical thinking.

  • ETPLAS E-learning modules

The JRC also developed several open access eModules in collaboration with DG Environment. These are available via the ‘Education and Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science (ETPLAS)’ platform. Two of them are focused on alternatives:

  • Module EU 52 - 'Searching for (existing) non-animal alternatives': an introduction to the 3Rs, with emphasis on ‘replacement’ with three parts focussing on each necessary step of the search process: (i) developing research questions, (ii) designing a search strategy and searching appropriate sources, and (iii) documenting the searches and their results.
  • Module EU 60 - 'Developing in vitro methods and approaches for scientific and regulatory use': provides guidance for in vitro test method developers and others interested in ensuring the quality of new methods or approaches, and in improving the efficiency with which these are developed, tested, optimised and approved by regulatory bodies. Trainees will better understand the critical aspects to take into account when designing, optimising and ensuring that a newly developed in vitro method is reliable, relevant and fit-for-purpose.


Other useful resources for education and training on NAMs can be found in the RE-Place library (scroll down to the section ‘RESOURCES ON NAMs’). These include links to recorded webinars, courses, lectures as well as databases of alternatives in education.

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Call for submissions: “Education in laboratory animal science and the 3Rs”

The Laboratory Animals Journal is launching a Special Issue on Education and invites contributions from all educators and trainers for manuscripts related to developments in education, training with reference to the 3Rs and the laboratory animal science field until 31/03/2022.



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