Apply now for the JRC Summer School on Non-animal Approaches in Science

Posted on: 22/10/2024

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the EU Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM) are organising their 4th Summer School on ‘Non-animal Approaches in Science: Towards Sustainable Innovation’ from 23 to 26 May 2023, in Ispra, Italy.

During three and a half days, complex in vitro methods and computational models used in biomedical research and regulatory testing will be presented, as well as their applications to human medicine and toxicity testing. The scientific program consists of four main topics:

  • Animal & non-animal approaches in science,
  • Non-animal models as multidisciplinary tools in science,
  • Innovation in biomedical sciences: a sustainable perspective,
  • Innovation in regulatory toxicology.

Every participant will have the opportunity to present their work during one of the poster sessions, and the best poster will be awarded on Friday the 26th of May. There will also be a guided tour of the EURL ECVAM in vitro facility.


What are the costs?

Participation in the Summer School is free of charge. You will only need to cover your travel and accommodation expenses. The JRC will foresee local transport. There will be an opportunity to apply for travel grants, which will be further communicated once your participation is accepted.


Who can apply?

The Summer School is open to students and early-career scientists (maximum 4 years after Master of PhD). Candidates should have a strong interest in non-animal approaches and should be working in a relevant area of research and application. The number of participants will be limited to 120.


How to apply?

Interested scientists should send their application letter and a poster abstract (max. 300 words) before 17 January 2023 via an official form.

Selection criteria are the quality of the poster abstract and the relevance of the motivation to attend. Priority will be given to applicants who didn’t participate in previous editions of the JRC Summer School. Selected applicants will be informed about their acceptance by e-mail on 14 February.



Apply now for the JRC Summer School on Non-animal Approaches in Science